
Music Instruments World Map Art Print

A map of the world created from the silhouettes of musical instruments.

Both the fine art print version (suitable for framing) or the ready-to-hang canvas print would make a perfect and inspiring gift for music lovers and budding musicians alike. This Musics Instruments World Map art print would be an ideal addition to a study, living room, music room, studio or bedroom.

This artwork is available as an unframed satin poster print, an unframed luxury fine art print or stunning ready-to-hang canvas.

Colour options include a vintage style background with blue, brown and grey instruments, or a wide variety of solid colour backgrounds with white silhouettes.

made from:
Satin Poster Print option (unframed):

Poster Prints are Giclee printed on high-quality, heavyweight (260 gsm) paper with a satin coating that enhances colour depth and contrast.

Fine Art Print option (unframed):

Art prints are Giclee printed on a beautiful, heavyweight (310 gsm), lightly textured 100% cotton rag fine art paper.

Ready-to-hang canvas option:

Canvas prints are Giclee printed on to European sourced, luxury matt poly canvas (280 gsm) for fantastic colour reproduction and incredible durability.

They are then hand-stretched over kiln-dried FSC approved pine frames, secured with air-staples on the reverse, and covered with backing tape for protection. Dentate hangers are attached for easy hanging, and corner wedges fitted so the canvas can be re-tensioned if ever necessary.

To ensure superb colour vibrancy, only museum grade pigment inks, guaranteed fade-proof for up to 100 years (indoors or behind glass), are used in the printing process.

Satin Poster and Fine Art print sizes: Small 12x16 inch (30x40 cm), Medium 42x59.4 cm (A2), Large 50x70 cm.

Ready-to-hang Canvas Print sizes: Small 12x16 inch (30x40 cm), Medium 16x22 inch (40x55 cm), Large 22x34 inch (55x86 cm).

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